Monday, November 8, 2010

7th November 2010 - Let there heat!

One of the fun little "sub-projects" I'd been looking forward to having a go at was restoring the cabin interior components. Series 2 Land Rovers don't have a lot in them, so what they do have needs to look good! As Pod is quite a late Series 2A Land Rover he has one of the later "flat-style" Smiths heaters which were originally only fitted to the V6.

Here's the heater as it came out of the vehicle:

The heater appeared to be working okay, so it was just a case of taking it to bits, cleaning it up and putting it back together.

In bits:

And back together:

Mrs Jonesy thought I'd bought a new one! Praise indeed, I reckon. The matrix inside was treated to some kettle descaler, but apart from that it was in excellent condition. The "draught excluder" inside was rotten, so I used some camping mat to make a new one - it just ensures that the air from the fan is blown through the matrix and not straight out past the fan motor.

I was rather chuffed that I managed to peel off and retain the original "Smiths" stickers, so these have been stuck on again. I discovered that these heaters are still available new from L.R.Series - Given that my "restoration" cost me about £15 for the paint, I don't think that's too bad at all!