So far I've discovered 3 holes in the chassis.
The rear nearside axle bump-stop, the nearside bulkhead outrigger, and the front of the nearside dumb-iron.
Somehow I forgot to take a picture of the bumpstop rot before the repair. Sorry!
The bumpstop area was the first part I started on. The first attempt blew holes in the chassis either side of the hole I'd made so I had to cut a bit more out to get back to decent metal.
Learning from my first attempt, I cut a lot more metal out on the outrigger to remove all the really thin stuff.
And finally the front dumb-iron. I thought it was just the front square section that was rotten, but when I cut that out I discovered that the sides and the bottom were also rusted through. It is possible to buy new dumb-irons, but I decided this was still salvageable.
I appreciate that my welding isn't the prettiest! But painted up it'll look okay - and who looks that closely at a chassis anyway???
As it stands, I don't think there's any more repair work need on the chassis. The only thing I still need to do is replace the suspension bushes - a job I'm really not looking forward to.
I think I'm going to need a few more wire brushes before the chassis is finished though...
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